The following web sites have resources about the process of transitioning from IFSP (Individualized Family Service Plan) to IEP (Individual Education Program): Ed Code for transition from IFSP to IEP from the California Department of Developmental Services. Transition handbook from IFSP to IEP published by Tri Counties Regional Center, which is in California. Another transition handbook published by Family Resource Center Coordinators. (Slow to load, so be patient) Chapter 11 from the book “Special Education Rights and Responsibilities” published by CASE and PAI. Has information about preschool for children with disabilities. Chapter 12 from the book “Special Education Rights and Responsibilities” published by CASE and PAI. Has information re: transition from IFSP to IEP. *Look at questions 21 and 22. This Parent’s Guide will take you through the process to help families learn how to get help for their young children with special needs (ages birth through 5 years). This downloadable checklist (a multiple-choice questionnaire) can be easily completed by a child’s caregiver in 5 to 10 minutes as the first step in routine screening for developmental delays in children from 6 to 24 months of age. *Instructions for scoring and interpreting the results are available online.