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Donate by Check

Act now to unlock a matching grant of $25k! Your donation before 04/07/24 doubles in impact, amplifying our efforts to empower neurodiverse individuals and their families. With your support, we aim to generate $25k, unlocking the full matching grant and expanding our reach.Our commitment transcends dollars. We offer platforms for neurodiverse talents to shine, deliver essential interventions and therapies for low-income families, and curate vibrant social experiences—from joyful play dates to heartwarming family gatherings, invigorating sports, soothing yoga sessions, soulful music classes, and more. Join us in sculpting a nurturing community where everyone thrives. Make your mark today and double your impact for a brighter, more inclusive future!


Check : Jeena, P O Box 3611, Santa Clara, California, 95055

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